
The following list of commands provides an easy way of getting started with juntagrico. It was tested on macOS 13 and Linux. Contributions for getting it setup and running under Windows are welcome.

Installing Python and dependencies

First we need to install Git and Python 3. Under macOS you can use homebrew to easily install Python via the command line.

# Under Linux, e.g Debian based distribution
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git

# Under mac with homebrew
brew install python3 git

With the basic dependencies installed we can clone the repository and setup the project.

# First we need to clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone juntagrico
# Change into the freshly cloned repository
cd juntagrico
# Install virtualenv so that we don't pollute the OS installation.
pip3 install virtualenv
# Create a virtual environment
virtualenv .venv
# Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements-local.txt

Getting started

# Create local database and apply schemas
python migrate
# Start local development server on port 8000
python runserver 8000

Generating documentation

To generate the documentation locally you can run the command below. After its completion you should see a new folder in the repository called .docs in which you can find the generate HTML files. For example, open the index.html file with your favorite browser to brows through the documentation.

# Install sphinx to generate the documentation locally
pip install sphinx
# Generate the documentation from the docs folder and place it in .docs
sphinx-build -C docs .docs