
Custom CSS

If you create a new project, a custom css file is already installed. Otherwise you can install a custom css file using these steps:

  1. Add your custom CSS file e.g. {app}/static/{app}/css/customize.css
  2. Adjust the STYLES setting to point to that file: STYLES = {'static': ['{app}/css/customize.css']}

Note that the setting is specified without the {app}/static/ part in the path.

Custom Templates

Note: Changing the templates will increase your maintenance work. If you think the changes you want to make could also benefit other juntagrico users, consider opening an issue, suggesting your changes to juntagrico directly. If you need your changes quickly, you may still want to override the templates as described here.

  1. In the TEMPLATES entry in your {app}/ add the filesystem loader and specify DIRS:
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],  # location of your overriding templates
        'OPTIONS': {
            # ...
            'loaders': [
                'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',  # use filesystem loader first
  1. Create a templates folder in the root of your project.
  2. Copy the juntagrico template that you want to override from juntagrico/templates (in the juntagrico source code) to your new templates folder, while preserving the folder structure.
  3. The project will now use your copy of the template instead of the original.