Rich Text Editor


juntagrico now ships with the django app django-richtextfield which is not enabled by default. If you want to enable a rich text editor for the textfields in your administration area you have to follow the steps below.

If you want more information on django-richtextfield you can find it here


To enable the rich text editor you have to do the following:

  • Add 'djrichtextfield' to your INSTALLED_APPS in the settings

  • Add re_path(r'^djrichtextfield/', include('djrichtextfield.urls')), to your urls (also make sure to import re_path from django.urls)

  • Add the following setting
        'js': ['/static/juntagrico/external/tinymce/tinymce.min.js'],
        'init_template': 'djrichtextfield/init/tinymce.js',
        'settings': {
            'menubar': False,
            'plugins': 'link  lists',
            'toolbar': 'undo redo | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | outdent indent | bullist numlist | link'

Choose Your Own Rich Text Editor Implementation

django-richtextfield allows for a variety of different rich text editor implementations. The code above for the DJRICHTEXTFIELD_CONFIG setting just makes use of the TinyMCE shipped with juntagrico but you can choose whatever you want.

Custom Mail Templates

Since juntagrico sends plaintext emails the raw content of a rich text field would be displayed which is html content. Because raw html is not very user-friendly to read we apply the striptag filter in the default email texts for possible rich text fields. If you override one of these templates and use a rich text editor you should do the same in your custom templates.

Disabling the Rich Text Editor

Disabling the rich text editor will not convert back the texts to non html. This has to be done manually.