Basic Setup

Initial Configuration

These configurations are done in the django admin interface inside of your instance.

Configure the Website Name and Domain

The website name and domain are displayed in various places on the website and in some emails. In the Django-Admin under Websites edit the entry and set the names to your website domain and display name.

Custom Logo & Style


Replace {app} with the name of your app in the following instructions.

  1. Adjust the file {app}/static/{app}/css/customize.css:

.juntagrico_logo {
    background: url(/static/{app}/img/logo.png) center center;  /* note that {app} is omitted before "/static" */
    background-size: contain;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    display: inline-block;
    width: 300px;  /* adjust to image with */
    height: 300px;  /* adjust to image height */
  1. Add the image file of the logo to {app}/static/{app}/img/logo.png or as specified in the css above.

Other customizations can be added to the same css file.

Depot list setup

Initial List Generation

The depot lists are created by the following django management command generate_depot_list. This command can be called manually or using a cronjob.settings-depot

Make sure to set the depot list settings according to your needs.

Admin Permission Setup

It is recommended to limit the access for each person with an administrative task to only include the relevant access. This will make the navigation easier for them, as the menus only show what they need. And it will allow them to do their tasks with more confidence, as the risk of changing things by accident is reduced.

Juntagrico does not assume any specific organisation structure. Instead permissions can be distributed with a high level of granularity. Read Permissions on how to set permissions.

Configure Admin Notifications

Email notifications for admins are also configured using permissions.

Text Adjustments

Adjust Terminology

Common terms, e.g. for shares, subscriptions, members can be overridden using the VOCABULARY setting. Only set the terms you want to override, e.g.:

    'subscription': 'Ernteanteil',
    'subscription_pl': 'Ernteanteile'

Change Texts

By default the texts in juntagrico, including in automated emails, are formulated rather neutral, such that they are applicable to most of the basic use cases of juntagrico. You may want to add additional hints or some personal touch to the texts.

Most texts can be modified using custom templates. Some texts, e.g. in forms, can be changed with custom code.


If you make modifications to the code or templates, you may have to adapt these, whenever they are updated in juntagrico.