Advanced Setup


You can install the following addons to extend the functionality of Juntagrico:

The linked repositories contain additional information and installation instructions.

Rich Text Editor

The rich text editor allows formatting text of most descriptions, like the job descriptions, entered through the admin interface, This feature is disabled by default. Use the steps below to enable it.


When the rich text editor is enabled, text, when saved, will be saved as HTML. Disabling the rich text editor will not convert the text back. The HTML has to be converted back manually.


When text from rich text fields is used in plain text emails the HTML tags need to be removed using the striptags filter. This is done in the default email templates. You will have to do it in your customized email texts as well.

To enable the rich text editor you have to do the following:

  • Add 'djrichtextfield' to your INSTALLED_APPS in the settings

  • Add re_path(r'^djrichtextfield/', include('djrichtextfield.urls')), to your urls (also make sure to import re_path from django.urls)

  • Add the following setting
    from juntagrico.util.settings import tinymce_lang
        'js': ['juntagrico/external/tinymce/tinymce.min.js'],
        'init_template': 'djrichtextfield/init/tinymce.js',
        'settings': {
            'menubar': False,
            'plugins': 'link  lists',
            'toolbar': 'undo redo | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | outdent indent | bullist numlist | link',
            'language': tinymce_lang(LANGUAGE_CODE)

The example above uses the TinyMCE editor, which comes pre-installed with juntagrico. You may use any other editor.

More information on django-richtextfield you can find here

Custom Templates

Templates can be modified, e.g., to change texts or menu entries. See Templates Reference.

Custom Code

You can modify juntagrico with your own code. Use the provided Hooks, link to the emitted Signals or create your own Exports.


juntagrico may change in the future and you will have to maintain your changes accordingly. Instead of making complex modifications, try opening a feature request, to either get your modifications included in juntagrico or at least get an official hook to do your changes.

Modifications can be made, once all django apps have been loaded, i.e. in the ready method of your app config in in the main folder of your project or addon:

from django.apps import AppConfig
from juntagrico.util import addons

class MyConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'myapp'
    verbose_name = "My App"

    def ready(self):
        # register other hooks
        # Add Monkey-Patches ..

Modifying Text in Code

Some text is written directly into code instead of templates. These texts can be modified with Custom Code.

def ready(self):
    # import the form to patch
    from juntagrico.forms import RegisterMemberForm
    # modify text variable (check the form implementation to see if this is available)
    RegisterMemberForm.text['accept_wo_docs']= 'I accept'
    # modify field labels of a ModelForm
    RegisterMemberForm.base_fields['phone'].label = 'Tel'
    # modify the text in a submit button
    old_init = RegisterMemberForm.__init__

    def my_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
        old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.helper.layout[-1].fields[0].value = 'Go'

    RegisterMemberForm.__init__ = my_init